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There are several reasons you may seek music lessons. It may be to learn how to sing/play for the first time, prepare for an audition, improve your singing/playing for your weekend band, learn music theory, or take your passion to the next level. Whatever the reason, I look forward to helping you achieve your personal goals.

What fits you?

Audition Preparation

This applies to students who are interested in usually short-term help regarding Solo & Ensemble, College choir, or other type of audition preparation. College auditions can have different requirements, and I'm ready to help!

Teens & Pre-College

This is a crucial time to build a solid foundation of healthy technique. This applies to those who want to simply enjoy singing/playing more, improve their singing/playing, or prepare for college or post-high school.

Relaxed Lessons

This applies to those 10+ who have always had the desire to learn the guitar or how to sing. Perhaps you aren't looking to make music a super serious endeavor, or you're not quite sure yet. Whatever the case, this may fit what you're looking for.

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